Man logging into the Quantaco platform on his computer


Simplify operations with integrated tools: Access your data, manage compliance, and forecast sales effortlessly through a single, secure environment tailored for hospitality.

Two women and men sitting at the meeting smiling and working together


From payroll management to accounts reconciliation, we integrate your systems and automate processes to drive operational efficiency.

Two men sitting in a meeting laughing


From CFO-level Client Directors to dedicated onboarding and success teams, we provide unmatched support to help you achieve hospitality excellence.

Collaboration Day: Building the Connection for Success

Following extended lockdowns and prolonged working from home during the pandemic, we appreciate our value of ‘collaboration’ now more than ever. As one of our four core values, we want to continue putting them into practice and underline how important we think it is. So, we’ve designated every second Monday as a ‘Collaboration Day’ dedicated to drawing the focus back to working together. 

Of course, we will still emphasise collaboration the rest of the time, but we have built a program to bring together virtual or team meetings that would otherwise be spent separately into one day dedicated to collaborative working. Why? Because we know we get better outcomes when we collaborate thanks to our diverse, experienced and skilled team.


What’s on the Collaboration Day Agenda?

Although every collaboration day will have a different focus, our most recent looked a little something like this: 

We started with leadership sprint planning
We operate on two-week sprints where the leadership team focuses on delivering activities or parts of projects in two weeks cycles.

Moved on to our product update
This included sharing our development roadmaps for our products such as Salesline and Cashup.

Added a customer showcase
We brought one of our customers to life during our discussions. While they weren’t physically in the room with us, we collaborated on how we can continue to support them and deliver against their business goals.

‘Lunch and Learn’
We were grateful to have a guest speaker from Peoplogica come in to help bring another of our values to life ‘ creativity’ during our session. The interactive session focused on the need to balance creativity with effectiveness. It’s excellent having creative ideas, but if they are not effective and don’t deliver the desired outcome then what’s the point?


Collaboration Day was a huge success. It not only allowed us to improve outcomes for our customers but empower team development and morale too. It’s good to be back together again!

To read more about our values and how we put them into practice at Quantaco, head over and read this post here: