Quantaco Moves Offices: An Inside Look at The Collaborative New Space

As our team continues to grow past 40 team members in the Sydney office, we’ve been on the hunt for a new home for Quantaco. And after an extensive search, we finally found one that not only accommodates future growth but allows us to put more of our values like collaboration into practice. 

After our move, we brought the entire team together for a blessing and ‘office warming’ event. Here’s how we got on…

Inside Our New Office

With a contemporary design, the office has an abundance of natural light, an open seating plan, and a large communal space where you can meet informally and catch-up 1:1 or as a team. We are still centrally located in the CBD making it an easy commute and very accessible to everything Sydney has to offer for our team.

Our building has great end-of-trip facilities making it possible for team members to cycle to work or visit the gym before work. We are also lucky enough to have two fantastic restaurants on-site, and the office coffee machine makes a perfect flat white!

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After collecting feedback from the team via our moving committee, we have installed sit/stand desks to give our team the freedom to work in a way that suits them best, lockers to store belongings so their desks aren’t cluttered, a focus room for quiet time and collaboration spaces for conversation and catch ups. 

The office also needs to facilitate the many client meetings we host, so having a centrally located, easily accessible office with great meeting space was critical. We even cemented our links to the industry we work in by naming our meetings rooms after popular Aussie pub names such as ‘the Royal’ and ‘the Australian’.

Bringing Our Values to Life

Our collaboration value was central to the design of our new office, and we knew we wanted space for people to gather for our events such as the regular ‘lunch and learn’. An open plan design was also critical to ensure people felt comfortable walking over to people’s desks to ask a question versus being locked away in an office. 

Given we have colleagues in India, we had to ensure we had good virtual meeting capabilities. So, our meeting rooms have been set up with suitable AV to ensure that when we collaborate we can see, hear and be heard. We even have a mobile touchscreen TV meaning we can ideate anywhere in the office using the very latest technology.

Speaking on the move, Quantaco’s CCO Scott Barber said, “The team love it, there is definitely a buzz about the place and our Friday drinks went on past 9pm last week, so that’s a sure sign people are enjoying the new office!”

Blessing the Office

We also decided to honour our ties to India and our team operations over there with a ‘Puja’ blessing ceremony that we were lucky to have performed by a Pandit. It was the perfect way of bringing people together to celebrate, while also supporting our diversity and inclusion program through action. 

Our CEO Anthony dressed in traditional wear and helped perform the blessing and each of the team had a Tilak placed on their forehead as a sign of good luck.

Cakes, Cocktails, and Cricket 

After the blessing we honoured the age-old Aussie tradition of cricket, cakes, and cocktails that allowed everyone to catch up, chat, and have fun. Being able to use the office in this way is a testament to how multi-functional it is, and how well-received it has been by the team.

We look forward to seeing our new space support our team as we continue to grow even more, so watch this space for even more exciting events and collaboration this year!