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Simplify operations with integrated tools: Access your data, manage compliance, and forecast sales effortlessly through a single, secure environment tailored for hospitality.

Two women and men sitting at the meeting smiling and working together


From payroll management to accounts reconciliation, we integrate your systems and automate processes to drive operational efficiency.

Two men sitting in a meeting laughing


From CFO-level Client Directors to dedicated onboarding and success teams, we provide unmatched support to help you achieve hospitality excellence.

Star Compliance Introduces New Features To Save Time On Hospitality Compliance

Star Compliance continues to add new features, making it a must-have application to ensure a high degree of compliance and service standards for hospitality businesses.

As the only three-in-one application in the market, Star Compliance provides a digital environment to lodge in-venue incidents as well as operational checklists and tasks, and an online learning platform.

Star Compliance Learning Platform
Star Compliance Learning Platform

In October and November, a range of new time-saving features will be automatically released which makes the solution even more valuable for compliant, yet time-strapped operators. These features include: 

Scheduling incident reports

Star Compliance has always made it easy to run reports on demand to satisfy any request for information. However increasingly there is a need to provide reports on a scheduled basis. This new feature allows for reports to be automatically scheduled on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis meaning batch reports will automatically be delivered via email to the relevant or interested parties.

Customising report templates

Star Compliance provides a range of out-of-the-box report templates making it easy to capture the requirements for a range of standard incidents. The reporting function will be enhanced to allow bespoke reports to be created and implemented, providing the ability to have reports that meet any of your operational needs.

Star Compliance incident
Incident Report

Scheduling hourly, reoccurring tasks

The reoccurring task feature has always allowed for everyday tasks to be repeated, however, previously this feature was limited to daily, weekly, monthly, or annual frequency. This enhancement will now allow for tasks to be scheduled on an hourly basis which will ensure service standards or other compliance tasks are more likely to get completed on time, and not forgotten. 

Star Compliance checklists

For more information on how you can use Star Compliance in your hospitality business, and to learn more about the platform, visit here.